Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Am My Father's Daughter

My father, Elezar Cole Jr, died 4 years ago today. We had anything but a perfect relationship, but I still loved him. To be honest, we fought constantly. But I miss him. I'm so angry that he never had a chance to meet Cole and Eli. He would have been an excellent Granfather. Especially to 2 little boys, that not only are named after him, but look like him.

My entire life everyone would say, "You look just like your dad." I hated it! I didn't want to look like my dad. He drove me crazy! Now I see him everywhere. When I look at my 2 boys, when I look at my sister, and, yes, when I look in the mirror. At my father's funeral, I read the poem below. I finally admitted... I am my father's daughter.

I am my father’s daughter
my smile
my nose
my ears
my skinny ankles
(my pretty face)

I am my father’s daughter
my laugh
my cry
my walk
my run

I am my father’s daughter
my sense of humor
my sarcasm
my bossiness
my temper
(The fact that we both believe that if everyone would just do what we tell them to do; there lives would be so much simpler!)

I am my father’s daughter

I see these things within myself everyday, but the gift I cherish most is his dedication, loyalty, and protective nature when it comes to my grandma and his brothers and sisters. This is where I directly mimic my Daddy. Until the very end of my days, I will do the same for all that my Dad and I love.

My name is Tanya-Marie Cole, C-O-L-E, and in 2 months, on my 30th birthday, I am getting married. My daddy WILL be there! I will see him in my Grandma’s heart, my Uncles faces, my baby sister’s eyes, and seared to my very soul. I know this because . . . I am my father’s daughter.

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